| 1. | Chapter one is the theoretical analysis of china ' s grassland husbandry devetopment 第一章是我国草地畜牧业发展的理论分析。 |
| 2. | Ample knovvledge of its characters is a prerequisite for the smooth production of grassland husbandry 充分认识草地畜牧业的特点是畜牧业生产顺利进行的基本前提。 |
| 3. | Through the analyses of grassland husbandry development , this article suggests concrete measures and solution 本文通过对我国草地畜牧业发展现状、存在问题及其原因的分析,提出发展草地畜牧业的具体对策措施。 |
| 4. | The intertvvining of natural reproduction and economic reproduction is the fundamental character of grassland husbandry 自然再生产与经济再生产相交织是草地畜牧业的根本特点,要求我们正确处理自然规律和经济规律的辩证关系。 |
| 5. | Grassland degradation , desertification , basification pose great threat on ecological balance . slow development of grassland husbandry cause imbalance in our agricultural structure 草地退化、沙化、盐碱化对生态平衡造成严重威胁,草地畜牧业滞后使农业结构失衡。 |
| 6. | Western development strategy carries out the policies of " grain for green " , and the strategic adjustment of agricultural structure bring forth unique opportunities to grassland husbandry development 西部大开发实施退耕还林、还草、还牧战略,农业结构战略性调整的提出为我国草地畜牧业的人发展带来了千载难逢的机遇。 |
| 7. | In the process of grassland husbandry development . the role of government rests on eliminating externalities , providing public goods , reforming the property rights system . increasing science and technology input , improving technology diffusion svstem 保障,为此,应在对草地逐年足额投入的基础上,做好各生态厂生态建设科学规划,采取有效措施治理和建设草地,提高草地资源综合生产能力。 |